
Give it a Go. Help it Grow.

Hello and welcome to taking your first step towards learning basic Irish Sign Language with us on the Sign of the Times ISL Tipperary. 

By clicking on the videos and quizzes below, you will enjoy a fun and easy way of learning your first words in ISL.  The videos offer you a taster of learning ISL, which is now recognised as the 3rd Official Language of Ireland. 

“Give it a go – Help it grow”  We encourage everyone to learn a little sign language every day using the videos on the website to grow the language across communities.  Please note the videos are here as a taster for the language only and should not be considered as an ISL training course.

This is a collorbation of Tipperary County Council and HSE Gold Star Tipperary, also showcases signed storytime with Tipperary Library Services and provides links for you to progress your knowledge of ISL and Help it Grow